Increase in Permanent Residence Fees

On March 30, 2024, the Government of Canada announced significant changes regarding costs related to permanent residency. As shown in a notice published in the Canada Gazette (part 1, volume 158, number 13), these costs will increase at 9 a.m. (Eastern Time) on April 30, 2024.

This decision will impact several programs. The comparative summary in the table below shows the differences between the current fees and the new fees.


Programme Demandeurs Frais actuel
(Avril 2022 – Mars 2024)
Nouveaux frais
(Avril 2024 – Mars 2026)
Right of Permanent Residence Fee Principal applicant and accompanying spouse or common-law partner  $515 $575
Federal Skilled Workers, Provincial Nominee Program, Quebec Skilled Workers, Atlantic Immigration Class and most economic pilots (Rural, Agri-Food)  Principal applicant   $850 $950
Accompanying spouse or common-law partner  $850 $950
Accompanying dependent child   $230 $260
Live-in Caregiver Program and caregivers pilots (Home Child Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot)  Principal applicant   $570 $ $635
Accompanying spouse or common-law partner  $570 $635
Accompanying dependent child   $155 $175
Business (federal and Quebec)  Principal applicant   $1 625 $1 810
Accompanying spouse or common-law partner  $850 $950
Accompanying dependent child   $230 $260
Family reunification (spouses, partners and children; parents and grandparents; and other relatives)  Sponsorship fee  $75 $85
Sponsored principal applicant  $490 $545
Sponsored child (principal applicant under 22 years old and not a spouse/partner)   $75 $85
Accompanying spouse or common-law partner  $570 $635
Accompanying dependent child   $155 $175
Protected persons  Principal applicant   $570 $635
Accompanying spouse or common-law partner  $570 $635
Accompanying dependent child   $155 $175
Humanitarian and compassionate consideration / Public policy  Principal applicant   $570 $635
Accompanying spouse or common-law partner  $570 $635
Accompanying dependent child   $155 $175
Permit holders  Principal applicant   $335 $375


Among these various programs, the Business (federal and Quebec) program shows the largest net increase of $185, while the sponsorship fee (in the family reunification category) was increased by a modest sum of $10.

If you’re submitting an application for permanent residency, you should take these changes into account.

For further information, please consult the notice.


Published on April 12, 2024


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